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Choose Life
the Scriptural Sin series
the Sin of the World by haRold Smith
a citizen of the Commonwealth (Ephesians 2:19)
"He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed Torah in Israel which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children…" Psalm 78:5 "…she will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Yeshua, because He (Yeshua) will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 "But when the fullness of time came, YaHoVeH sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under Torah, in order that He might redeem those under Torah so that we might receive adoption as children. And because you are (His) children, YaHoVeH has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba! Father!" Galatians 4:4-6 We get into problems with scripture when we assume the English translations we read are accurate and do not carry with them a predisposed agenda instead of just looking at the words for what they actually mean. The religion of Christianity has corrupted Yeshua's purpose for being sent. You will not find the popular phrase, "He came to save mankind from their sins" anywhere in scripture. The Hebrew word used in Jeremiah 32:27 translated as the English "mankind" is basar whose primary definition actually means "flesh" but is also defined as "kindred, blood-relations". Remembering that Jacob was renamed "Israel", the identifier of YaHoVeH's Family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob becomes "Israel". All through the Book, including Jeremiah, YaHoVeH is called both, "the Lord of hosts" and "the God of Israel" in the same breath. The Hebrew word translated "hosts" is tsaba' which carries as one of its definitions, "of whole creation" and that includes all men - but His qualifier is as the Elohim of Israel - the two cannot be separated (ref., Jeremiah 35:13). While it is true that YaHoVeH is the Creator of all men, not all men accept Him for Who He says He is - the One, True, Elohim of Israel. You will also not find any scripture that says His Words (with emphasis on verse one) no longer apply to us today. In fact, what you will find is just the opposite claim coming from the mouth of the Messiah of Israel. The Christian theologians who claim this re-write to be the message of what they call the "New Testament" apparently overlooked what the words contained in those writings actually say - as is evidenced by the verses above. Resultantly, those who adhere to that religion become influenced by this tradition of men handed down to them as sanctioned doctrine - the very thing that same Son says makes void the Word of YaHoVeH, which means to bring to "none effect"; thereby, nullifying the Words of His Father. The definition of this Greek verb akyroo, which only appears three times in scripture, means "to render void, deprive of force and authority". Words mean things. We must constantly be reminded that ALL the books of scripture were written by Hebrews out of a Hebrew mindset influenced by a Hebrew culture that produced a uniquely Hebrew perspective being conveyed primarily to a Hebrew audience which understood the nuances of the Hebrew language. There were no "Christians" around when these words were penned. To properly understand what these words mean necessitates viewing them from the Hebrew perspective they were written in - not what the culture we live in says they mean. For instance, John 11:50-51 clearly says Yeshua died for the nation of Israel, the family of YaHoVeH - not for "the world". Yeshua did not come to save "the world" - yet, John 1:29 says "Behold the Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world". Men have extrapolated this phrase to mean "to save mankind from their sins" - however, that is not what the words say. The way this seeming conflict is resolved is to allow scripture to interpret scripture from the perspective it was written in - not from the overlay of the traditional assessment of men. Galatians 3:17-18 is used by the Hebrew apostle Sha'ul (who was also known by his Roman name of Paul) explaining how the inheritance promised by YaHoVeH to the Hebrew Abraham passes to the children of Isaac and Jacob (who was renamed Israel). YaHoVeH's plan of redemption is for those who choose to belong in His Family of the Kingdom of Israel, as has always been the case - not those who choose to remain in the world by their actions. With YaHoVeH, ethnicity has nothing to do with Scriptural Salvation but, rather, with worship. You will not find the phrase, "Yeshua only died for the Hebrew" anywhere in any of these articles. Galatians 3:28 makes clear that for those in union with the Messiah Yeshua, there is neither Hebrew nor Gentile for all are one in Him. When someone who was formerly from a gentile culture is Grafted In to the Kingdom of YaHoVeH, he is grafted into the Hebrew root of Israel. Therefore, whoever believes in the NAME of YaHoVeH's Son (which means YaHoVeH saves) becomes grafted into His Kingdom from out of the world - but, that person does not remain a Gentile. He does not remain "in the world". He becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of YaHoVeH - Israel. Thus, Yeshua did not come to "save the world" - only those from "out of the world" who choose to embrace the Kingdom of His Father. This is how Yeshua is able to take away "the sin of the world" from those who give themselves to YaHoVeH's Kingdom by keeping His Words. The way we choose Life is by choosing to adhere to the Words of the Source of Life Who is YaHoVeH (Isaiah 56:1-8, John 14:23-24). Yeshua is not the Source of Life, but a manifestation of the Life.
the flaming sword
" the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life"
Genesis 3:24b
The Hebrew word for "sin" found in Isaiah 1:18 is het'. It is the combination of the Hebrew letters chet, taw and aleph. The images in the Paleo-Hebrew pictograph these letters represent when strung together mean "first to destroy the fence" (Frank Seekins, Hebrew Word Pictures). If sin is related to destroying the "fence," then what is the fence? Anything that stands in opposition to the Words of YaHoVeH is sin. YaHoVeH's fence around His people is found in the protection of the instructions of His Words. The fence guarding the Tree of Life (which is Light) is the flaming sword of His Words. YaHoVeH's Covenant with His Family of Israel is based on this fence. It is the distinguishing characteristic between Hebrew and Gentile. Those who choose to join themselves to the Family of Israel stand in special relationship to YaHoVeH because they choose to keep His Words - choosing to stay within His protective fence and, thus, being able to partake of the Tree of Life. This is not a relationship of rescue or deliverance. It is a relationship of purpose. YaHoVeH chose Israel as the vehicle for bringing the world to Him; a Light to the Nations and His Family is to accomplish this great purpose by living according to His Words - His Covenant. His Family of Israel is to be a kingdom of priests and that purpose has never changed from the beginning. Sin tears down the distinctiveness that YaHoVeH uses to set His People apart from the world. Sin destroys purpose. The problem most of us have is that we don't see the fence around the Tree until we are on the wrong side of it. We discover the geography of sin only after we have crossed the invisible line - then we know what it means to be without His Presence. As a result, we first try to recover the awareness we have lost usually through some religious ritual. But it's too late. We are standing on the wrong side of the fence. All the praying in the world will not restore the awareness we seek. Awareness can't be found here because that awareness comes as a result of our nearness to the Tree. To recover the awareness means we must move back to the inside of the fence. Death is disguised in small defeats. We have come to the wrong side of the fence through dozens of tiny steps, none of which seemed so terrible at the time - but the totality of those steps culminates in death. Just as Light and darkness cannot abide in the same space at the same time, so anything apart from Life is death - they cannot coexist. If we don't recognize the validity of His Words, however, then we remain in darkness. By remaining ignorant of His Words, we choose to remain in death because we have chosen to remove ourselves from His Words and don't have any way of knowing what constitutes His Life. To know in Hebrew is yada' which means "to be made known, to be or cause to know, to be revealed". It is in His Presence that the Essence of the Source of Life is revealed. We come into His Presence by doing the words of Yeshua's Father - which causes them to be revealed in our lives thus making Him our Father as well. They become part of our being as a result of knowing YaHoVeH. In Paleolithic-Hebrew, the Hebrew word translated as the English "covenant" is berit Hebrew covenant and the Paleo-Hebrew image that means to "reveal" is the Hebrew letter ayin Hebrew covenant. When the two are combined they form the Hebrew word 'Ibriy Hebrew covenant Hebrew covenant and that is the word for Hebrew - or in the language of Paleolithic-Hebrew Covenant Revealed!! His Covenant is revealed in the life of His servants; His priests who join themselves to His Hebrew Kingdom by keeping His Words (see what it means To Make Manifest His Name). But, there is a price to be paid for living in the Presence of His Brilliance because Light sears, Light burns, Light destroys darkness. Yeshua says that we are made clean by the Word which He speaks and the only words He speaks are what He has been taught of His Father, YaHoVeH. The real translation of the word used for "clean" in this verse comes from the Greek word katharos, meaning "purified by fire." The fence, the hedge surrounding the Tree of Light (which is Life) is His Word - the flaming sword of fire which prevents anyone who does not adhere to those Words from partaking of the Tree. It is in the practice of the Words of Spirit that cleans, "bringing forth" the purity of Spirit through our lives into this earthly realm. Yeshua says we are to become the salt of the earth. Interestingly, the only place where salt loses its saltiness is in the crucible of fire. Yeshua came to baptize in the Spirit of YaHoVeH AND WITH FIRE. The Hebrew phrase ruach ha kodesh (reading right to left is Hebrew for "the holiness of spirit" - something that is cultivated within an individual by that individual) has been used inadvertently as a substitute for the English "Holy Spirit" appearing in their bibles. This is incorrect as there is no capitalization in Hebrew; thus, there is no personification, no third person "Holy Spirit". What is the holiness of spirit? Holiness is the Nature abiding in Spirit, Who is YaHoVeH. When Yeshua said to "be perfect even as your Father is perfect" in Matthew 5:48, He was not giving us something to do that was beyond our reach - nor was He telling us anything new. He was not giving us a "new" command. He was actually quoting Leviticus 19:2 (found in the Torah) which says, "You shall become holy, as I, YaHoVeH, your Elohim am holy". The Way to become holy is to keep YaHoVeH's Words. There are many "saints" recorded in the Tanakh (OT). The Hebrew word kadosh translated "saints" in the Tanakh and a variation of kodesh, is describing those who comprise the family of YaHoVeH - those who abide within His Kingdom. Becoming holy is very different from what happened on Yom Shavu'ot when those who were waiting received the Breath of Life from YaHoVeH. And that event was accompanied by FIRE - the FIre of YaHoVeH's Words. It is in the fire of life's tribulations that causes the impure to separate from the pure - not the other way around. The firey circumstances we find ourselves in is what causes the dross of impurity within us to rise to the surface becoming manifest in our words and actions and is the very vehicle YaHoVeH uses to expose those impurities to us that we may deal with them accordingly - WHILE STILL IN THE MIDST OF THAT CIRCUMSTANCE. Mixing the "sin of the world" (motives for selfish gain, concerns for self-protection, preoccupation with selfish desires and moral "holidays") with the real salt simply turns us into Salt Sea salt - salty, but useless in YaHoVeH's Kingdom. It is only as we embrace His Words daily in our lives in every circumstance confronting us that we are purified into becoming as He Is! How can you and I live in the Presence of Light so brilliant it consumes everything that isn't Light as well? Well, the truth is that we can't. This is the price exacted for the privilege of living in His Presence. We who have constructed our own identities from the shadows will die when we are exposed to His Light - and that's the only way we can survive in it. We must die so that what lives in the Light can be revealed. Whatever is found in the revealed character of YaHoVeH thrives in His Light - and just where is that character revealed?
"And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and
lay it up before YaHoVeH, to be kept for your generations. As YaHoVeH commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept." Exodus 16:33-34
ark of the testimony
...the ark of the Testimony
The Testimony spoken of in the opening verse of this article is the Presence of YaHoVeH revealed in Jacob (renamed Israel). The Hebrew word translated as the English "testimony" is 'eduwth and means "a precept, law, a revelation". It is also translated "witness" - the manna is the witness of His Faithfulness of provision in all circumstances to those who give themselves totally to His Presence. His Presence is found in the two tablets of the Testimony given to Israel at Sinai. Before this event, the tabernacle was called the tabernacle of the congregation - afterwards it was called the tabernacle of the Testimony because that is where the the ark of the Testimony now resided. The purpose of the Words of Torah is to reveal to us how to become partakers of His divine nature! But, it becomes our choice as to whether we embrace those Words or not. The revelation of Psalm 95:7-11 (as quoted in Hebrews 3:7-11, "…the Spirit reveals today, if you will hear His Voice...") is in hearing the Testimony. Whether YaHoVeH summarizes holiness in a single commandment as with Adam, in the constitution of a nation as with Moses, or in the expression of His Life as exampled by Yeshua, the requirement for abiding in His Presence has always been the same - obedience to His Words. "IF you will obey My voice and IF you will attend to My instructions by following them, THEN will you be My Holy People and THEN will you abide in the Presence of the Eternal One - the Source of LIFE" (Exodus 19:5-6, Matthew 19:16-19). In Exodus 15:26, the Hebrew word for "hearken", "listen" or "hear" is shama' - but, in Exodus 19:5, this same Hebrew word is also found to be used for "obey". In Hebrew, to hear IS to obey, to obey IS to hear. Whether you hear what is spoken or not is measured by how you obey what you hear. Conversely, how you obey determines whether or not you heard what was said. To say "God is good" is to also say "good is God" at the same time - they are the same. To try to separate them is to destroy their identity, the unity found in their meaning (see what it really means to be Born Again). This same dualism is taking place in Romans 10:17 that says, " comes by hearing and hearing through the Word of YaHoVeH." Hebraically, this phrase is rendered "faith IS hearing/obeying - hearing/obeying IS faith".
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside
every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run
with endurance the race that is set before us..." Hebrews 12:1
The idea of laying aside encumbrances and the entangling sin is preceded by a crucial word, "therefore." The heroes and heroines of the faith are the great cloud of witnesses. The author names quite a few. Because of the witness of their lives, we are to follow this exhortation. Because they had faith, "therefore" we are to run with endurance. But what is common to these faithful ones? Why should they cause us to endure to the end? Read the list again. Notice that it does not begin with Abel. It begins with the statement that YaHoVeH brought the world into being from things invisible (11:3). He created out of nothing with His Word - not from what was already present. Such is the nature of the faith of these witnesses. They acted on the basis of YaHoVeH's Words in every circumstance they found themselves in. They demonstrated trust (the Hebrew definition of faith) when there was nothing visible to provide evidence. The repeated phrase "by faith" introduces not a creed or doctrinal declaration but rather action based solely on what YaHoVeH said. To believe that He is good in all circumstance - no matter what we see, no matter what we hear, no matter what we feel, no matter what we think. Words converted into deeds. "By faith" is a shorthand way of saying, "I will hear and I will do." What, then, is the sin that so easily entangles? Is it not a distrust of the Creator? Is it not acting as though what YaHoVeH says is not true? Idolatry is the belief that YaHoVeH is not the one true sovereign Elohim of all creation. Idolatry is not merely bowing down before some figure made with human hands. Idolatry is a way of life - a way of life that rejects or ignores what YaHoVeH says. Idolatry does not require a physical symbol of a false god. It only requires that we act as if what YaHoVeH said does not matter to us. If faith is trusting in what He says to be true, then idolatry is claiming that it is not true, no longer true or relevant. If you apply this verse personally, the sin that so easily entangles might be some specific addictive pattern you fight. But the author has a wider picture in mind - what entangles us is the failure to act on YaHoVeH's Word. What entangles us is in the subtle lack of faith established in idolatry. Euperistatos is the Greek word translated as "easily entangles" or "besets" but its real meaning is what "skillfully surrounds" us. What entangles is whatever we have surrounded ourselves with that we think is good for us but is not what YaHoVeH says is good. It is the same sin that captured Adam - the personal tree we have so masterfully developed in our own garden; the power to choose otherwise, the capacity to pretend that YaHoVeH's Word isn't good for me today. Yeshua said the authority given to Him by the Father has been given to those who follow and adhere to His example of Life (Luke 9:1-2, Luke 10:19-23). The Greek word used for "authority" in these passages is exousia and means "the power of choice" The restoration of the Garden is the restoration of the power of choice to remain in the Present Presence where we are given rest in the freedom from the power of the sin and death of the world.
The Sin of the World - a discussion Sin of the World
"He that has received His Testimony has set to his seal that YaHoVeH is true." John 3:32-34 "...this is the Testimony that YaHoVeH gave us eternal life, and this Life is in his Son."
1John 5:11
the Scriptural Sin Series
Part One, What Is Sin?
Part Two, The Sin of the World
Part Three, Involving Incest
Part Four, I Am Not A Sinner
Peace ???Questions???
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the answers, it would be an honor to partake with you of what Spirit is uncovering.

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