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What is Truth?

...what is Truth?
The Warfare Series
Confronting Evil
by haRold Smith
a citizen of the Commonwealth (Ephesians 2:19)

Pilate therefore said to Him, "Are You a king then?" Yeshua answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" John 18:33-38

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:16-20

Truth. Many claim to possess Truth, but, like Pilate, few actually know Truth. For most, the truth they believe in is nothing more than what has been handed down to them through religious tradition. The previous article of this series, Chasing Lucifer (click on highlighted words to view content), exposed how tradition has overwritten scripture with the artificial insertion of this Latin name into the text of the Original Hebrew Writings. Armed with this information, a sincere seeker of Truth would have to ask: if the Latin name "Lucifer" can appear in a Greek translation of a manuscript originally written in Hebrew centuries before there was even a Latin language - is it possible a similar type of error might also occur in a Greek to Latin through three versions of English translations regarding the name "Satan" in the Messianic Writings? It can not be stated enough that the Hebrew letters of the Messianic Writings were written by Hebrews influenced out of a Hebrew culture that produced a unique Hebrew perspective which primarily addressed a Hebrew audience - there were no "Christians" around when these letters were penned. The religion co-opted by the Roman empire that became "Christianity" does not even begin to appear in history until roughly 250 years after the Resurrection spoken of in scripture (see the Church for that history). All of the proof texts referred to in support of the views asserted in the Messianic Writings came from the Hebrew Original Texts (OT) written in Hebrew (see Who's Word Is It? for more). Part of the problem we have with understanding the Hebrew perspectives handed to us in our modern English translations of scripture is that they have been "sanitized" by Greek concepts filtered through myriads of cultures, thus, the original Hebrew nuances found in those perspectives have been obscured (see My Big Fat Greek Mindset, Part One and Part Two for an in-depth examination).

If we can recognize that the influences of men have altered the scriptures we have by redefining the meanings of the words contained therein to support their theology - how are we to know what is Truth and what is not? The answer lies in understanding Truth to be a Who, not a "what". Truth is found in a relationship with the Father of Truth. Truth is found in the Fulfilled Promise contained in the Words of YHVH - not moral imperatives. YHVH IS Truth (Deuteronomy 32:4 and Luke 23:46 quoting Psalm 31:5). Revelation 19:10b states that, "...the testimony of Yeshua IS the spirit of prophecy." In Hebrew, the word for "prophecy" is naba' which Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon defines as the "spoken oracles of YHVH" - what Yeshua was conveying in His remark of John 14:24. This means that the testimony of the Life of Yeshua reveals how YHVH's Words are to be construed. Words mean things. It does not matter what we "think" they say - only if what the Words we are given validate what we believe as Truth or not. If what we think the words mean are not found in the Life or Words of Yeshua - at the very least, those thoughts should be held suspect until Spirit is able to give us understanding (Luke 24:44-45). Acts 7:38 also gives us the proper Hebraic persepective of prophecy as being the spoken oracles of YHVH. If we are to use the words of Yeshua as the benchmark by which all other words are measured including other words of scripture, then we need to have a true understanding of what His Words really mean. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that one of the Hebrew definitions of naba' (prophecy) is "to be mad (insane)." So, if you feel as though you are "crazy" for being the only one in your societal circle to see the Truth in scripture - don't worry, you are in good company. (see Arrows of Famine for more). What Yeshua meant in the verse at the opening of this article when He said those who are "of the Truth" hear His Voice was that His words did not originate with Himself but with the Father of Truth, the Elohim of Israel - YaHoVeH (John 14:23-24, Exodus 20:1-17).

"You search the scriptures for Life and it is the words of scripture which speak of Me!"
"This is eternal Life, to know YHVH and the One Who He sent!" John 5:39 and John 17:3

As mentioned in the last article, the reason this actionable verb, the Hebrew word sa-tan, which means "adversarial opposition" became a captialized noun associated with a persona called "Satan" in the Messianic Writings is because sa-tan was transliterated using the Greek word diabolos (meaning "devil") which was then assumed to characterize a persona. But the Hebrew verb, sa-tan, is never found to be an noun entity in the original Hebrew scriptures (OT) and is certainly not characterized as "devilish" - this is solely a Greek invention. Most who read the "Old Testament" in their modern bibles are not aware that the English translation they hold comes from the Septuagint - the Greek translation from the Original Hebrew. When compared alongside the actual Hebrew words contained in a Hebrew Interlinear Version, however, it quickly becomes apparent where many of the Greek influences of the translators were inserted - i.e., the Latin name "Lucifer" and the arbitrary capitalization of sa-tan not found in the original Hebrew language. Secondly, there is no developmental line from a non-entity in the Original Writings to a fully developed entity in the Messianic Writings that warrant such an assumption - as there is with, say, the Messiah (see the Kinsman Redeemer series for that development). Here again, we find the theological influence of the translators overwriting the original Hebrew perspective to support a replacement theology not traceable any further back in history than 150 to 200 years after the Resurrection. "Satan" does not appear as an entity in any literature until the writings of Origen (184/185 - 253/254), some 200 years after the Resurrection. In "Contra Celsum", vi. 43, Origen identifies the fallen angel Azazel in the Book of Enoch 8:1 as "Satan". The Book of Enoch, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran where the name Azazel occurs in the line 6 of 4Q203, was written around 200 BCE and is considered part of Hebrew literature - validated in Jude 1:14-15. This account in 1Enoch is also described briefly in Genesis 6:2-8. In Leviticus 16:8, 10, 26 however, the Hebrew word azazel is found to simply mean "scapegoat" - most probably the connection Origen found to link these disparate fragments together into a theology. Origen is also credited for the introduction of the idea of pre-existence and transmigration of souls, and apokatastasis, or universal reconciliation into the Christian lexicon - ideas which were discussed among some patristic writers but which were later rejected as heretical. This theology of an entity called "Satan" evolved to become interwoven throughout the doctrines of Christianity which openly rejects the Hebrew influence and the Hebrew God spoken of in scripture. In Hebrew, the word, sa-tan, is projected as an opposing force to the Words of YHVH with all of the following meanings: divide, set at odds with, accuse, slander, reject, deceive, oppose, be adversarial - but not once in the original Hebrew language is it distinguishable as a persona.

Matthew 6:13 actually says, "...deliver us from evil" - not "the evil one" as religious tradition teaches. The Greek word, poneros, translated as "evil" in the English version of this verse, means "full of labors, annoyances, hardships" and says nothing about an entity named "Satan". It is the same word used for "evil" in Matthew 5:37 - again, no mention of Satan. Can you see how the tradition of replacement theology has overwritten the meaning by inserting its own doctrine in the choice of words as pointed out above? In Matthew 16:23, you have to ask - who is Yeshua speaking to? Does He mean a person named Satan physically entered Peter's body and took him over, forcibly making him say things he did not want to say which openly contradicts the English translation of 1John 5:18? Or, rather (as the context indicates), could it mean that Yeshua was rebuking the person, Peter, for the opposing force his words presented as a temptation that would seek to change the course of what the Father's Words to Yeshua were? The same is true of Yeshua's supposed encounter with an entity in the wilderness. Strangely, this Greek word, peirazo, translated as "the tempter" in Matthew 4:3. is the same Greek word used to describe the significance the actions of the Pharisees had on Yeshua in Matthew 16:1, Matthew 19:3, Matthew 22:18, which means "to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of ascertaining his quality or how he will behave himself" - again, no distinctively separate entity. In each case, the temptation given Yeshua was the same as it is for any man - to follow his own will and determination instead of the Words of the Father (Hebrews 5:8).


...brood of vipers
So, then, where does evil come from? Yeshua said it comes from the hearts of men and to the hypocritical religious of His day He said, "You brood of vipers! How can you being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). His allusion in calling them serpents harkens back to the self-determination Adam chose to embrace in the Garden by defining for himself what is good and what is evil apart from the Word of YHVH (remember, the Hebrew word, sa-tan, does not appear anywhere in the entire book of Genesis - see One Covenant for more). There is no mystical, ethereal, unseen "evil force" found in the original words of scripture except that which proceeds from the heart of man. Like the Pharisee, when we employ what we consider to be a "good thing" for purposes which are in opposition to the Words of YHVH found in Exodus 20:1-17 by qualifying them - then our "good thing" becomes an occasion for evil. The traditional definition of "enemy" as having a persona lies in conflict with YHVH's definition of His enemies as those who hate Him by serving something or someone other than the Holy Elohim of Israel. If YHVH is the good found in Exodus 20 - then, whatever force opposes that good is considered evil (as seen in the first article of this series, Defining Enemies).

"Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside
to serve other gods to worship them..." Deuteronomy 11:16

What we serve, what we give ourselves to is actually what we worship (2Chronicles 7:19-20, Luke 4:8). Defining for myself what is pure, what is holy, apart from what the Holy One has declared holy by His Words is called self-determination - the worship of my own constructed values (see what it means to be in Deception). The enemy of YHVH is anything that stands in opposition to His Words. As Yeshua said, evil proceeds from the heart of men and the Hebrew apostle Sha'ul echoes Yeshua's words in Romans 8:7 - "Because the carnal mind is enmity against YHVH; for it is not subject to the instructions for living contained in the Torah (mistranslated "law") of YHVH, nor indeed can be." Here, the Greek word, echthra, is in agreement with the definition of the Hebrew word, 'ayvah (both translated "enmity"), to mean "hatred toward YHVH" - found in actions that are in opposition to His Words. To the assembly in Corinth, Sha'ul defines "carnal" as the determined actions of those seeking to create "division" among the saints (1Corinthians 3:2-3).

Christianity has given too much power to the invented person Satan in order to deflect the responsibility accountable in the actions of the individual and to support a replacement theology which says the Words of YHVH are no longer applicable - the very words that speak to the actions of the individual. The Hebrew word, sa-tan exposes the principal strategy of evil - opposition to the Words of YHVH. Yeshua's Life is the testimony of the triumph of YHVH's power through submission to His Words - the power of vulnerability (see what it means by Becoming Vulnerable). When Revelation 12:7-11 says there was "no place found in heaven for the accuser of the brethren" and, since heaven is YHVH's throne (Matthew 5:34 quoting Isaiah 66:1) located in His Kingdom "within" (Luke 17:20-21), that passage is followed by the reason there was no place found for evil in heaven - because the saints (meaning those "set apart" to the Kingdom of YHVH's Purposes) overcame the force of evil through acceptance of the blood shed by Yeshua as the Messiah for the redemption of YHVH's family, Israel (see the reason for the Atonement); the testimony of the Life of Yeshua they embraced in their own lives; and by not loving their lives even unto death rather than BECOME the accuser of their brethren and thereby giving place to or embodying evil (Ephesians 4:27).

Are there spirits of darkness loose in the world which can occupy the vessels of men? Yes, Yeshua dealt with them all the time (see see where they came from in One Covenant) - but not in the "faithful". The term "believer" found in Christianity has its root in the replacement theology which says a mere verbal assent is all that is required to enter the Kingdom of YHVH while, at the same time, separating the individual from the actionable Words of YHVH. Consequently, this is precisely why so many who call themselves Christians are found to be in need of deliverance from the effects of evil in their lives - because they are separated from the standards of living defining what keeps them free. The Hebrew word translated as "believed" which is counted to Abraham as righteousness in Genesis 15:6 is 'aman, - the same Hebrew word translated as "faithful" in Numbers 12:7 and Deuteronomy 7:9 meaning "to stand firm, to be established in, to stay, to sustain (as a workman), to support".
...the beauty of Truth
It is interesting to observe that nowhere in the Messianic Writings are the faithful seen undergoing deliverance or healing. Are any of the faithful sick? James 5:14-15 says they will be healed with the forgiveness of their sin, which is separation from the Words of YHVH. The Son gave His followers the same authority vested in Him to overcome evil in Luke 9:1. The Greek word translated "authority" in that verse is, eksousia, and is the same Greek word translated as the English "power" in John 1:12 to mean the "power of choice" - the power to choose faithfulness to the Words of YHVH in the face of whatever circumstance we find ourselves in (see the Power in His Name). The English translated "wicked one" or "evil one" in 1John 5:18 is the same Greek word poneros found earlier to mean "full of labours, annoyances, hardships" - not a persona. That passage says the person who keeps himself in YHVH's Words is not touched by the evil created from his own determination - because his determination has been realigned to the Purposes of YHVH. Evil is enabled or empowered by human disobedience to YHVH's Words. Evil is defeated by those who submit themselves to YHVH's Words – in fact, when reading these verses from the original Hebrew perspective they were written in, they tell us that evil actually departs from those who resist in this way. It is an impossibility for Light and darkness to abide in the same vessel at the same time (Matthew 6:24, James 4:7, see the Law of Grace for a deeper examination). 1John 3:9 says the one who is born of Spirit does not commit sin because he has chosen to be faithful to the Words of YHVH (see what it really means, scripturally, to be Born Again).
Confronting Evil, a discussion Confronting Evil
"O you who love YHVH, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; He rescues them from the power of evil." Psalm 97:10
The Warfare Series
Part One: Defining Enemies
Part Two: Chasing Lucifer
Part Three: Confronting Evil
Part Four: the Real Enemy
Part Five: Authority
Please feel free to email me at While not claiming to have all
the answers, it would be an honor to partake with you of what Spirit is uncovering.

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