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the manifestation of the King of Glory |
by haRold Smith
a citizen of the Commonwealth (Ephesians 2:19) ![]() |
"I have found David my servant and anointed him with my holy oil. My hand will always be with him, and my arm will give him strength. No enemy will outwit him, no wicked man overcome him. I will crush his foes before him and strike down those who hate him. My faithfulness and grace will be with him; through My Name his power will grow. I will put his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers. He will call to me, 'You are My Father, my God, the Rock of my salvation.' I will give him the status of firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth." Psalm 89:20-27
"If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love Me does not keep My words. And the word that you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me… Already you are clean because of that word I have spoken to you." John 14:23-24, John 15:3
Words mean things. According to Psalm 24 at the opening of this article, the title, the King of Glory, is reserved to the Spirit of Life - YaHoVeH ((click on highlighted words to view content) - not the Son, Yeshua. A generation is often considered to be a certain period of men, but contained within the definition of the Hebrew word, dowr (translated "generation"), are the words, "a dwelling-place, a habitation". Knowing the meaning of this word places a different perspective upon those who would be considered to be seeking the face of Truth in Psalm 24. According to this scripture (and others like it), those who would stand in YHVH's Holy Place will be those who live in, who dwell in, who abide in, who make their habitation in, who occupy a clean and pure perception of Truth, not embracing what is false - regardless of what period they exist in or what tradition is handed down to them (Mark 7:13). Yeshua said in John 15 above that the embrace of His Word is what makes one clean - but, He also said that His Word is the same Word as that of His Father, YHVH (John 8:28) - because it is the words of the Spirit of Truth (Who is YHVH) that make one clean (John 4:24). Does this statement translate into the Son being the same person as His Father because He speaks the same words taught to Him by His Father? The religion Christianity has made it so - in spite of Yeshua's Word of John 14:28, that "the Father is greater than I" and Psalm 89 above that declares the Son to be the highest "king of the earth". Scripture makes clear that YaHoVeH is the only King of Glory. His Son is the manifestation of that Glory. Yeshua carries the mantel of the status of firstborn, the Son of the Only One True Elohim of Israel, YaHoVeH - not the replacement god of all mankind that Christians have been taught is the same as His Father (see the Kinsman Redeemer series for an explanation of firstborn status). Simply put - the universal god of mankind that the religion Christianity has made of "Jesus" is not the same person that scripture describes the Hebrew Messiah, Yeshua, to be. This is not a matter of a simple translation of letters in a name from one language to another, but a fundamental difference in perception of Who this person truly is. In the same way the Church and Lucifer have been found to not be scriptural entities, the Christian religious god, "Jesus Christ", is not the same person spoken of in the words of scripture as the Hebrew Messiah - but rather, the fabrication of an agenda of men to distance themselves from anything Hebraic. This statement should make those who have invested a lifetime into embracing this false concept extended by traditional Christianity extremely uncomfortable because it means they are not standing in the holy place their religion would try to convince them they are by merely mouthing epitaphs.
If the Son is pre-eminent in all things, as the verse from Colossians 1:15-18 proclaims Him to be - then the Words of the Son should take pre-eminence over all the other words of scripture and, by His own confession, His Words are the Words of His Father. Christianity has successfully elevated its interpretation of the Pauline gospel as something different, above and to the exclusion of the Words of YHVH and His Son (see Who's Word Is It?). However, if Yeshua's Words take pre-eminence over other scripture and, if scripture is a reflection of Truth, then all other scripture must be measured against the Truth of Yeshua's Words first - that is what it means to be pre-eminent (Psalm 89:27, Revelation 19:10b). Yeshua said in John 14:28 that He was going to the Father because the Father, YHVH, was greater than He. Now, if Yeshua is YHVH, then His Words do not make sense because He would then be saying that He is going to Himself because He is greater than Himself? There is more - in John 20:21, after the Resurrection, Yeshua said He is sending the disciples "just as" the Father, YHVH - someone other than Yeshua - sent Him. Yeshua consistently admonished those hearing His Words to pray to His Father - not to the Son. Every single epistle contained in the Messianic Writings begins with some sort of acknowledgement to BOTH the Father AND the Son. Why would that be if the writers of those letters understood them to be the same person? But, just by reading his words for what they say, even the Hebrew apostle Sha'ul (Paul) declares in 1Corinthians 15:24-28 that YHVH, the Father, has put all things under the authority of Yeshua, the Son, with the exception of YHVH, the Father; until such time when the Son, Yeshua, delivers the Kingdom back to YHVH, the Father. If Yeshua is YHVH, then this passage also becomes completely nonsensical. It is disingenuous to attempt to jerk one scripture out of context with what Yeshua and the rest of scripture actually says in order to build a doctrine around what is false to accommodate another agenda - which is exactly what the religion Christianity is consistent in doing to remove itself from every aspect of Hebraism (see In Addition).
"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Yeshua haMashiach, who, though He was in the form of Elohim, did not count equality with Elohim a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." Philippians 2:5-8 |
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...King of Kings (Psalm 89:27) |
In Philippians 2:6-7, the Hebrew apostle Sha'ul (Paul) is explaining the impact of the Hebrew Yeshua becoming a man. He says that Yeshua was entirely elohim in every respect because every son born into the family of YHVH manifested the Nature, the image (the "form") of elohim - in the same way your children are formed in your image. Like a son, He learned obedience to the Father's Words through what He suffered in life - the same as your children (Hebrews 5:8). However, Yeshua did not grasp on to that essence as though he stole it or was entitled to it, to wield it to His own advantage - even though, as the firstborn Son of the family of YHVH, it was His right to do so. He voluntarily relinquished that divinity for purpose - His paramount purpose being to accomplish the will of the Father in restoring the Father's Kingdom to the rest of the family, Israel (Luke 4:43). Prior to the Resurrection, everything concerning YHVH was external because of the first Son, Adam's, disobedience. Yeshua set aside being elohim in order to become man and not just a man - but a slave. The real word used here instead of what is translated as "servant" is the Greek word doulos which means slave. Yeshua gave up everything as the firstborn status entitled Him to in the Family of YHVH (Israel) to become a slave to the purpose of the Father of that Family - which was to restore YHVH's Kingdom so the rest of His Family could enter into being echad (Hebrew for "one") with the Father as He did (Matthew 15:24, see why an Atonement was necessary). Being conformed in the image of YHVH can only be understood within the culture and context of Who Is Israel. Perhaps this gives us even more appreciation of Sha'ul's insistence that we have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel. The reason Christianity has found it necessary to redefine the Messiah of scripture as "the Christ" is because the Messiah of scripture cannot be defined according to contemporary Christian culture. It is the reason why Christianity has elevated the Pauline Gospel above and to the exclusion of the words of Yeshua and His Father, YHVH, because the Messiah is a fulfillment of what YHVH promised to Israel, not to Christianity - and we are either in alignment with those words or we are not. The Greek word morphe (translated "form" in Philippians 2) tells us that this was not some magic trick. If there is any error in perception about who Yeshua is through traditional Christian theology, it is that Yeshua is not fully accepted as being entirely human. We want a Christian "Jesus" who is really "God" wrapped in human skin - a superhero in disguise. Then we can explain away all of the miracles, the intuitive understanding, the visions of the future. "Of course He could do all those things because He is not one of us - He is above us", we say. It becomes too easy to embrace this Christian concept because we do not want to think about the implications that arise if the things Yeshua exampled actually belong in YHVH's human order. Embracing that tradition blinds us from being able to see how Yeshua could really be human and still do these things. Christianity completely ignores Yeshua's comment of John 14:12, "…and greater than these shall you do" - because the implications concerning what that says about us, about what we believe, about where we stand in Spirit are just too devastating for us to consider (see Who's Your Daddy?). But, if we are serious about looking at the truth contained in the meaning of words, in combination with the meaning of the words for "likeness" and "appearance" (verses 7 and 8), morphe suggests that Yeshua was totally and completely human. Morphe means "the form by which a person or thing strikes the vision, external appearance". Thayer's Lexicon extends that definition to say He "bore the form" of YHVH. Yeshua was Man as YHVH intended Man to be: fully dependent, fully alive and available to the Father. Otherwise, how could He be "touched by our infirmities", sympathize with our weaknesses, if he knew nothing about them (Hebrews 4:15)? Yeshua is not some Superman or Spiderman or Brainiac. He was human - the way YHVH wants all of His Family to be. What caused Yeshua to become 'echad with the Father was that, while in human form, He "manifested" the image, the glory, of Spirit contained in YHVH's Words in the flesh. When He was Resurrected, He still had his human body of flesh - granted, it was now a transformed body, but flesh you could touch nonetheless (Luke 24:37-43). Now you know why Yeshua can say in Luke 9:23, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him first deny himself; then take up whatever cross he has to bear on a daily basis, and follow the example I left for you to embrace" - because He is one of us, completely emptied of Himself, completely open to the direction of His Father (John 14:28, see the Glory).
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...learned obedience by what He suffered. |
If Yeshua's Word makes us clean and His Word is the Word of His Father - what does that mean? What does it mean to be "clean"? The Greek word translated "clean" in John 15:3 above, katharos, is the same Greek word used in Matthew 5:8 where Yeshua is saying, "How blessed are the pure in heart - for they will SEE YaHoVeH!" and means "purified by fire". In Matthew 3:11, John the Immerser said that the Messiah will immerse those who follow Him in both Spirit and fire (interestingly, not water) - we cannot have one without the other. To be clean, from Yeshua's Hebraic perspective, means to remain faithful to the Words of YHVH in the midst of the fire of tribulation, the circumstances the world would present upon our life (Matthew 5:44-45). We are purified through the keeping of His Word IN the crucible trial of fire (Mark 9:49, see how we become Salt of the Earth). This perspective is seen in Proverbs 30:5 which says, "Every word of YHVH is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him." The Hebrew word for pure in this verse, tsaraph, means "to smelt, refine, to test, to prove true" - from where the Greek word, katharos, gleans its meaning. Most Christians mistake the Word of Yeshua as a mandate concerning morality which, they reason, if conformed to on a universal scale will result in a peaceful and harmonious world where all men can live together as "brothers". However, there is no indication of that premise in scripture. When viewed from the Hebraic perspective Yeshua's Words are given in, they are seen as the Words of YHVH given to a particular people, Israel, in order to be a "light to the (other) nations" of the world (see the One Covenant series for a full explanation). To become part of that Hebrew family means to embrace the Words of YHVH found in Exodus 20:1-17 (Isaiah 56:6-7). To actionably embrace those Words in deed are what purifies - allowing those who follow Yeshua's example to become one with Spirit "just as" Yeshua became one with Spirit so as to be able to abide in the Present Presence without being consumed (Deuteronomy 4:24, Hebrews 12:29) Only those who keep, who live in, who dwell in, who abide in, who make their habitation in a clean and pure perception of the Truth found in the Words of YHVH as Yeshua did - not embracing what is false about the Father and His Son - are purified, made clean by those Words (see what scripture tells us it means to Abide In Him). That is our hope of glory - the Life of Yeshua manifested in us the same way Yeshua manifested His Father's Glory (John 14:20-21).

"There is a generation that is pure in
its own eyes,
yet is not washed from their filthiness." Proverbs 30:12 |

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