There are those who would say that Galatians 3:26-29 obviously is referring to the spiritual aspect, not physical - that there is no way gentile blood is replaced by Jewish blood simply because we embrace the Life of Yeshua. Here again - which part of scripture is to be taken literally and which part is to be "spiritualized" and who gets to decide which is which?
What does it mean, then, to become a "new creature" (2Corinthians 5:17) unless we are actually "born anew" (in light of Ephesians 5:30 and 1Peter 1:22-24 to become "flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone"? Why do we approach scripture from one standard in one verse but assume an entirely different stance for another simply because we don't understand what it means from a human viewpoint? Could it be, perhaps, that we fail to understand the eternal ramifications of this short life we live? It is a mystery how it could happen, something above what our human intellect can perceive, but the more I read scripture, the more I believe that the core of who we are actually, physically changes the more we embrace Who He Is. Much on the same order as two distinct people, who remain married for 50 years, begin to take on the same physical characteristics - they begin to "look" alike. How many times have you seen that? Even though it is a mystery, this phenomenon is still evident all around us.
Reading carefully what Paul was saying in Galatians 3:26-29. He wasn't saying we "become" or "replace" one or the other. What we "become" is something entirely new, melded together from two distinct entities but carrying in that new entity the same properties of each and, therefore, unrecognizable or "new" by any measure or standard. Because of that "melding" in Him, though, we become "like" Him, we take on His Nature and Characteristics. Because He is Jewish, those same characteristics that make Him Jewish become a part of who we are.
In Exodus 33:18, when Moses asked to see God's "glory", what ultimately passed before Him were the actual, realized Nature and Characteristics of the Lord - they could be "seen" (see what it means The Glory). One Hebrew meaning of the word "glory" is literally translated "liver" and then is figuratively applied to the soul. The life Yeshua led and entreated us to follow was not some super-spiritual, mystical affair only realized after death - it was a down-to-earth, in this earth reality that, once attained, we carry with us (as He did) and bring into this earthly realm (2Thessalonians 1:9-12), Luke 17:20-21).
The Life is in His Blood (Leviticus 17:11), John 6:53-54). and because the virtue of His Life cleansed His Blood in the flesh, as we embrace and appropriate the Blood of His Life as our own, which includes His Jewishness, that Blood literally begins to course through our veins to do the same thing as it did with Him and makes us clean. This is not a mystical experience - Romans 8:11 is a literal happening.
There are only two places in scripture where it says God breathed on men. Genesis 2:7), and John 20:22. The Life is in the Blood - in that Breath of Life was transmitted His DNA, the Blood of Elohim. We have been made Jews because of His Blood that He breathed into us - it is we who are grafted into the Jewish root.
This is the stuff Yeshua died for - to make accessible to us the reality of literally "becoming one" with the Father, in all that infers, mentally, spiritually and physically just as He was and Is. (John 17) This is not some religion or theology, this is LIFE - and it is the Life He lived out before us in flesh, just as we are in flesh. We have yet to comprehend and understand the scope of the Power that lives within us. It is the Power of His Life that raised Him from the dead - and it is given to us, in His Blood, if we will just receive it and exercise it.